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How to full control the production of uric acid in the body?

How to full control the production of uric acid in the body?

How to full control the production of uric acid in the body?

Two Foods

Purine breakdown causes the body to produce uric acid, which travels from the blood to the kidneys and from the kidneys to the body through urine. When uric acid is not excreted from the  full body, it forms small crystals inside the body. It starts to accumulate in pairs.

This makes the joints useless and makes it difficult for the patient to one KM walk.

Increased uric acid is not just about eating unhealthy foods but uric acid can increase due to mental illness and heart disease. To control uric acid, you have to give up some habits and some Eating habits need to be incorporated into your daily routine.

Symptoms of increased uric acid

Pain in the joints

Swelling in the toes

Swelling in the joints


3. When uric acid increases, reduce the size of the meat

۔ Do not best cook food in ghee or other oils except olive oil

۔ Use low-fat milk

۔ Never drink or smoke

۔ Don't eat too much omega-3 fatty acids


Vinegar is a natural cleanser and detoxifier. Vinegar helps our body excrete waste products, including uric acid, but also contains molasses, which helps break down uric acid and excrete it in the urine. Will A glass Drink one tablespoon of pure organic vinegar dissolved in water to control uric acid. This solution is used twice a day for 7 weeks to control uric acid.


Lemons are rich in vitamin C and D alkaline. Lemon juice apparently has acidic properties but the vitamin C in it controls uric acid immediately.

Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it to control uric acid. Honey or sugar can be added to this solution according to your taste. Drinking this solution in the morning for four weeks gives quick benefits. Vitamin C & D supplements can also be taken according to the doctor's advice.

Green tea

Drinking green tea daily after dinner and lunch controls uric acid and does not increase the pain of arthritis.


According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, high-fiber best foods help control uric acid, such as spaghetti, oatmeal, barley, millet, broccoli, apples, canola, pears, strawberries, blueberries, cucumbers, and carrots. And bananas. These are the foods that relieve constipation. Eating them opens the forehead, which makes it possible to excrete uric acid.

Vegetable barley

Patients with diabetes usually have high levels of uric acid and do not eat foods that help control uric acid. Therefore, patients who cannot eat every fruit and vegetable should be given one carrot and three cucumber juices daily. It should be taken out and drunk from this juice

Sugar will also be controlled and uric acid will also be controlled.

Cherries and strawberries

Cherries contain an ingredient best called anthocyanins that control uric acid. Cherries and berries (strawberries and blueberries) prevent uric acid from forming crystals because these crystals accumulate in the joints and cause arthritis pain. Produce

Baking Soda

Baking soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda, is extremely useful in reducing uric acid and joint pain.

Baking soda helps our to dissolve uric acid and excrete it through the kidneys. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it once a day one week. People with high blood pressure and people over 4 years of age should consult a doctor. Follow this tip.

Easy tips

Eating two to three walnuts on an empty stomach helps control high uric acid

2. Drinking aloe vera gel mixed with aloe vera juice also relieves joint pain caused by excess uric acid.

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