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There are six spices in the kitchen that can help women overcome infertility.. Learn the information that every woman should know

There are six spices in the kitchen that can help women overcome infertility.. Learn the information that every woman should know

There are six spices in the kitchen that can help women overcome infertility.. Learn the information that every woman should know

Every couple wants children after marriage, and even if it is not, it is a common practice in our society, questions and answers are started from 1 month after marriage. This can lead to many problems for women who are not physically strong or who are infertile.

Experts at Pediatrics Research for Parenthood say:

"Depression itself causes infertility, so be sure to have children and wait, use some natural remedies along with getting your full treatment because it is not a disease but a problem that will be eradicated in 2021. Only 52% of women are affected. ''

Learn about the common hot spices at home in K-Foods today that can ease your big problem.


Cinnamon contains compounds that help control problems like PCOS and get pregnant. They control women's hormonal problems and strengthen their reproductive system. Sprinkle its powder with warm water at any time of the day.

Cayenne pepper:

Excessive consumption of red pepper is thought to be detrimental to one's wellbeing, however when used in moderation, it may help with issues like infertility. It contains organic thymine and other ingredients that allow the female reproductive system to release enzymes that aid in pregnancy..

• Turmeric:

Turmeric plays an important role in good health as much as it creates flavor in food. Before today, you may have used turmeric in beauty tips, but today we are telling you what experts say about turmeric.

According to the gynecologist:

"Turmeric has a warming effect and its use is important for the physical and reproductive strength of married couples. Since pregnancy can only occur when both men and women's hormones are in balance, turmeric in food and daily use with milk can be beneficial during pregnancy.


Ginger tea is also useful for childbirth because ginger contains vitamins B6 and 12, so ginger tea is important for pregnancy. It must also be used in food.


Garlic helps protect against chromosomal hazards and balances hormones. Garlic consumption is recommended for naharmana women. It helps control pregnancy by controlling menstrual and pregnancy issues.

Fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek seeds, like turmeric, have a warming effect and increase the power of women's ovaries, which secrete fibers that help remove infertility quickly.

In addition, daily use of this tea can solve your problem:

* Boil a tablespoon of turmeric and a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes and when it comes to a boil, take it out in a cup.

* Mix palm powder in it and drink it. It is used as a medicine in Arab countries to fulfill the desire of children soon.

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